Keto-Friendly Baked Cheese Crisps
The keto lifestyle can be a crazy one to wrap your head around – where fat is good, and carbs are bad. Wait, fat is good? In the ketogenic diet it sure is (read more about the Keto Diet here). Cheese is a simple solution when seeking a low-carb, high-fat diet (yes, you actually get to eat cheese!). When it comes time to enjoy a simple chips and dip though, you’re out of luck. Or, at least you thought you were. Taking simple cheddar cheese slices, quartering them and broiling for a few minutes you have cripsy “chip” that is 100% just cheese. This is a diet hack that will have you scooping up your favorites in these savory bites all night. We served ours with another favorite fat source…guacamole!
- 4 cheddar cheese slices, quartered
- Dip of choice (we used guacamole!)
- Parchment Paper
- Baking Sheet
- Paper Towel
- On a parchment-lined baking sheet, place your quartered cheese slices (they should be around 1 1/2 inches square) about an inch apart from each other.
- Broil on high for 3-5 minutes, or until desired "crispiness" is achieved.
- Remove from oven, and blot with a paper towel to remove excess oil.
- When cool enough to handle, remove from the baking sheet and serve warm immediately, or let cool (store in fridge) for future chip needs!