Foods That Can Cause Belly Bloating
Bloating happens when the stomach becomes swollen after eating and that feeling is never a fun experience. While bloating isn’t commonly a sign of a serious medical condition, it could be a sign of a food allergy or intolerance. Although keep in mind, we are not medical doctors so it’s always a good idea to check with your medical professional if you suspect that you have an allergy or intolerance to any type of food.
Bloating can not only cause discomfort but in some severe cases can even cause pain. We eat many things in a day so at times, it can be hard to depict what is causing the bloating. With that in mind, we’ve compiled a list of some of the worst foods that can cause belly bloating. If you want to stay clear of belly bloat you may want to stay away from these 12 foods!
1. Carbonated Drinks
Have you ever wondered how carbonated drinks get their awesome bubbles? Carbonated drinks contain carbon dioxide gas and that is precisely what creates the bubbles.
Fizzy drinks are delicious but they can make you gassy and in result can make you feel bloated. If you’re tired of feeling uncomfortable try ditching the soda and drink flavored water instead!
2. Beer
Have you ever wondered where the term beer belly comes from? Excessive drinking of beer can increase your belly fat and can cause belly bloat too! Similar to soda, beer is also carbonated which means, it too contains carbon dioxide gas.
In addition to the carbon dioxide, beer is also made from fermentable carbs such as barley, wheat, and rice as well as yeast and water. The combination of the gas and the fermentable carbs could both cause belly bloating.
3. Beans
Beans and other legumes are good for you. They’re high in fiber, protein and contain several different vitamins and minerals. However, for some people, beans can cause bloating.
Both the high fiber content and the oligosaccharides found in most beans can cause belly bloating. Oligosaccharides are essentially sugars that our bodies have difficulty breaking down.
4. Broccoli
Broccoli is a nutrient-rich food! It’ contains fiber, potassium, and essential vitamins such as vitamin K and C. However, broccoli can cause bloating for some.
They can cause bloating for some people because they are high in fructans. Those who have sensitive digestive systems, have a difficult time digesting fructans and in result can cause bloating, gas, and in some cases, even pain.
5. Cauliflower
Just like broccoli, cauliflower too can cause belly bloating. What happens is as cauliflower moves through your digestive system, bacteria will try to break it down through a process call fermentation. This is what can cause flatulence, gas, and the dreaded belly bloat.
In fact, broccoli and cauliflower aren’t the only veggies that can cause belly bloating. Other cruciferous veggies such as cabbage, kale, and brussels sprouts can all cause bloating too.
6. Dairy
There are so many great dairy products such as cheese, milk, yogurt, and butter! Dairy can be really good for you and can be a great source of calcium and protein! However, for some, it can cause bloating.
Those who are lactose intolerant are unable to break down lactose which essentially is the sugar found in dairy products. If you’re lactose intolerant you know too well how consuming dairy can not only cause bloating but cramping, diarrhea, and gas too!
7. Wheat/Gluten
Celiac disease and gluten intolerances are on the rise. Gluten is a protein found in wheat which is found in many baked goods from pasta to bread. Unfortunately for some, digesting gluten is incredibly difficult or not possible at all.
Those that have trouble or can’t digest gluten, will experience belly bloating, stomach pain, gas, and even diarrhea. Be sure to contact your healthcare professional if you suspect a gluten intolerance or allergy.
8. Barley & Rye
Both rye and barley are grains that are often found in cereal. They both contain gluten which, once again, can cause bloating to those who have celiac disease or are gluten intolerant.
Further, barley and rye are both great sources of vitamins and minerals and are an excellent source or fiber. However, if you don’t regularly consume a lot of fiber then their high fiber content can cause bloating.
9. Onions
Onions can really enhance the flavor in a meal. They’re often incorporated into cooked meals, side dishes, and added to fresh salads.
While most of us enjoy onions in smaller quantities they can still cause belly bloating. Onions are a dietary source of fructans which are a soluble fiber that may cause bloating! However, some studies show that consuming cooked onions instead of fresh may reduce your chances of experiencing bloating. So you may want to skip the raw onion on your next salad!
10. Salty Foods
Salty foods are seriously crave-worthy and they are satisfying. However, too much sodium can cause our bodies to retain water and in result, can make us feel bloated.
Keep in mind avoiding salt isn’t as easy as putting the salt shaker down. Sodium has crept its way into loads of processed foods such as prepackaged foods, soups, and even bread. Further, it is highly recommended that if you are going to indulge in salty foods, it’s a good idea to consume a lot of water to help flush it out of your body.
11. Apples
You might be shocked to discover apples on this list! After all, we all know they’re incredibly healthy for you. They’re high in antioxidants, fiber, and vitamin C! However, they could be the root cause of your belly bloating.
Apples contain a sugar called fructose which for some people is hard to digest. Both fructose and the high fiber content can both be fermented in the large intestine and in result can cause bloating and gas. If this is the case for you try eating cooked apples or an alternative fruit!
12. Dried Fruits
Dried fruits can be an excellent alternative to snacking on candy especially if it isn’t coated in sugar, however, dried fruit can cause bloating for some. This is because it contains fructose and a lot of fiber which both could cause bloating.
Furthermore, prunes specifically have the highest amount of sorbitol in comparison to other fruits. Sorbitol is a sugar alcohol that takes a long time to digest and can encourage bacteria to ferment in our intestines and in the end, can cause bloating.
Now that you’ve learned about the foods that can cause bloating, check out the Foods That Help Reduce Belly Bloating.