10 Recipes That Roots For Root Beer
Root Beer is the perfect, if not required, accopanying drink to an amazing A&W burger, am I right? It helps cool us down on a hot day and keep us sane on a long road trip where everyone is hot and tired. Root Beer has more potential than we think, though. You can actually cook and bake with root beer to create delicious and memorable dishes that will have all your dinner and dessert guests reaching for seconds. From cake to chicken, root beer has made it’s way into many corners of the food world. Check it out!
1. Chocolate Root Beer Float Poke Cake
What’s better than a normal cake? A cake that has more icing and sugar goodness inside the cake! Poke cakes are fantastic for having flavor infused into every inch of the dessert and this poke cake is no exception.
http://thesuburbansoapbox.com/2015/11/30/root-beer-float-poke-cake/?utm_source=P-0793&utm_medium=FB&utm_campaign=SocialFabric Photos and Recipe By: The Suburban Soap Box2. Root Beer Float Ice Cream
Make some home made ice cream with a root beer flavor. Fill up a cone on a hot day and enjoy!
http://www.yourhomebasedmom.com/root-beer-float-ice-cream/ Photos and Recipe By: Your Home Based Mom3. Root Beer Float Cupcakes
When you’re tired of drinking root beer, make cupcakes to look like a tall glass of that loveable cold soda.
http://7onashoestring.com/root-beer-float-cupcakes-perfect-bake/?utm_medium=social&utm_source=pinterest&utm_campaign=tailwind_tribes&utm_content=tribes Photos and Recipe By: 7 On A Shoe String4. Easy Homemade Root Beer Barbecue Sauce
Yes, root beer can be part of a BBQ sauce recipe! Smother your next pulled pork supper with this home made, sweet and salty sauce for added flavor.
https://www.justataste.com/easy-homemade-root-beer-barbecue-sauce-recipe/ Photos and Recipe By: Just A Taste5. Root Beer Float Jell-O
Want a unique and attractive dessert? These root beer float Jell-O squares are the perfect fit!
http://pintsizedbaker.com/root-beer-float-jello/ Photos and Recipe By: Pint Sized Baker6. Root Beer Popcorn
Popcorn just tastes good no matter what the flavor. So it’s no surprise that this root beer popcorn is delectably delicious!
http://www.cravingsofalunatic.com/2015/12/root-beer-popcorn.html Photos and Recipe By: Craving of a Lunatic7. Root Beer Cookies
Make your favorite soda into a cookie, because…well…because you can! Top off with creamy icing for the perfect texture and flavor.
http://stephssilverboxes.blogspot.ca/2012/03/root-beer-cookies.html Photos and Recipe By: Steph Silver Boxes8. Root Beer Meringue Cookies
These meringue cookies are so simple to make, pretty to photograph and absolutely irresistible to eat!
http://www.shugarysweets.com/2014/06/root-beer-meringue-cookies Photos and Recipe By: Shugary Sweets9. Boozy Root Beer Float
In the middle of a heat wave, popsicles are a must! So why not make them root beer popsicles?
http://beergirlcooks.com/boozy-root-beer-float-popsicles/ Photo and Recipe: Beer Girl Cooks10. Slow Cooker BBQ Root Beer Chicken Sandwiches
This piping hot supper will be ready and waiting for you after a long day at work. And you wouldn’t believe it but, yes, there is root beer in this recipe!
http://belleofthekitchen.com/2016/05/17/slow-cooker-bbq-root-beer-chicken-sandwiches/ Photos and Recipe By: Belle Of The Kitchen