Put Your Knives Away And Hull Strawberries With a Straw
http://spoonandink.blogspot.ca/2015/06/8-ideas-for-happier-hosting-in.html Photo by: Spoon and Ink
Whether preparing to make a delicious strawberry dessert, or slicing up strawberries for your child’s lunch, so often we waste much of the strawberry itself by slicing off the top of the berry to remove the green leafy hull. Traditionally, there are methods to removing it with a knife that doesn’t slice off the entire top, but it is rather time consuming, and not very safe. If you want your kids involved in the kitchen, it’s not a task they can take on without a likely injury.
There is a way however, to remove that piece without losing precious strawberry in the process, and without injury. It’s like the name itself was trying to tell us something. Strawberries. Because — by simply pushing a straw through the bottom of the strawberry, it will remove the green leafy hull by popping it right off the top of the berry. Genius!